Forum OpenACS Development: Xinha 0.96.1
After some testing, i have updated Xinha in cvs HEAD to the new stable version (0.96.1), released on 12-May-10. The replaced version in CVS head was 0.96b1.
Relative to to the last release, Xinha 0.96.1 has the additions and fixes listed below (added plugins: CSSPicker, MootoolsFileManager, SaveOnBlut, WysiwygWrap). The original distribution contains as well a directory unsupported_plugins, which i have not added. For details, check
All the best
-gustaf neumann
Bugs Fixed ¶
* #1425 [SmartReplace?][Gecko] When inserting opening quote, the space before the cursor is deleted
* #1429 Problems with Apache and HEAD requests...
* #1478 Further important security precautions for ExtendedFileManager and ImageManager
* #1478 Hide all dotfiles from the Linker scanner, the linker shouldn't be showing "hidden" files.
* #1478 CSS fix to dTree in linker, just to make sure it's styles were not getting clobbered.
* #1478 Stop the Stylist from possibly adding a duplicate stylesheet into pageStyleSheets, this was creating a subtle problem in certain circumstances.
* #1227 Improved handling of CSS imports in Stylist plugin.
* #1448 a[] is undefined
* #1387 prevent crash in IE
* #1198 Fix for bad sizing of editor.
* #1121 Disable tab in Internet Explorer because it exits the Xinha area.
* #472 Disable InsertPicture?
* #579 Pass value to dropdown handlers.
* #1472 _top not respected in editing link.
* #1467 autofocus=false not working as expected.
* #1461 Special characters in image make thumbnail not appear.
* #1435 IE failed in TransformInnerHTML
* #1232 Clickable icons on ExtendedFileManager
* #1409 Image Properties broken in ContextMenu
* #1419 Stylist display problem in IE6/7, HasLayout? bug.
* #1262 Alternative method for restoring from fullscreen mode.
* #1388 Change — to &8212; for xml compatability.
* #1093, #1377 Rewrite the InsertSmiley plugin. Remains compatible with ray's changes in r904 if people have made a specific configuration.
* #1282 Opera losing it's events when designMode turned on causing status bar to not update amongst other things.
* r1228 Remove PersistantStorage? from Newbie example, because it not actually usable atm
* r1229 Fix firefox version detection.
* r1230 avoid unecessary pollution of global namespace
* r1232 Removed CC license from Tango iconset, as it seems not appropriate
* r1232 Changed HtmlEntities? plugin license to HTMLArea
* #1488 Fix Control Selection in IE8
* r1235 Change license to HTMLArea - see
* #1497 TransformInnerHtml? handling of object tag
* #1498 Color picker display in new dialogs in IE6
* #1499 Fix focus errors in new dialogs in IE
* #1503 xinha_to_js did not handle booleans correctly
* #1509 Prevent attempting to compress REs in Safari 4
* #1515 Security patch to prevent rogue access to the compressors in contrib.
* #1518 Security patch which prevents non-default keys in xinha_pass_to_php_backend.
* #1518 Issue an error and ignore the special backend configuration when the key location is non default, for both the ImageManager and ExtendedFileManager deprecated config passing methods.
* #1209 and #1182 Upgrade Equation to use new AsciiMath?, fix multiple equation editing. Thanks to Niraj Bhawnani of University of New South Wales.
* #1483 Fix cancel button in Equation editor.
* #1485 Add a double-click handler which will bring up the link/image insertion dialogs (or ImageManager/Linker?) when a link or image is double clicked.
* #1492 Fix linker in some situations.
* #1471, #1508, #1510 Fix IE8 problems with TableOperations and other buttons, and absolute positioned editing.
New Features ¶
* r1189 added toolbar config to Newbie example
* #1478 Add new method Xinha.extend to provide more classical object oriented subclasses within Javascript.
* #1478 Add new method Xinha.Dialog::setLocalizer() to more easily set a specific localizer for a dialog.
* #1478 File-Picker on arbitrary fields outside Xinha (ExtendedFileManager)
* #1478 Add config option to use HSpace and VSpace in ImageManager (default off)
* #1478 Add YouTube? and Flickr support to ImageManager so that videos and Flickr images can be searched and selected in the ImageManager.
* #1478 Add a new dialog type "DetachedDialog?" to help leverage Xinha plugins to perform tasks outside of Xinha, and an example of a simple dialog for those who wish to make their own.
* #1478 Link-Picker on arbitrary fields outside Xinha (Linker)
* #1478 New Plugin: WysiwygWrap? - combined with an appropriate pageStyleSheet(s) you can more easily simulate in Xinha what it will "look like" when that HTML is "published".
* #1446 Provide a means for adding custom hooks into the ContextMenu plugin.
* #1220 Add ability to pass extra arguments in the post to the backend handler for SuperClean.
* #1465 Add an option resize_files to both ExtendedFileManager and ImageManager, defaults true, false turns off the automatic image resizing.
* #1189 Add the xml:lang attribute to LangMarks plugin. The configuration for this plugin has changed, old configurations are accepted with a warning to the console.
* #1433 Add a SaveOnBlur? plugin, authored by Peter Siewert (with a clean up by James Sleeman).
* #1479 Add CSSPicker plugin.
* #1205 Add allow_delete and allow_edit to ImageManager
* #1205 Add allow_delete to ExtendedFileManager
* #1496 Make dialog title bar logo skinable
* r1243 Added a method to allow plugins to easily load assets synchronously (for dependancies).
* #1502 Add new plugin MootoolsFileManager? - an advanced image and file uploader/picker/inserter with multi-file-upload, progress bars, and previews.
* #1507 Config option to show fonts in toolbar using actual fonts.
Translation ¶
* #1477 Danish translation for ExtendedFileManager and SuperClean
* r1205 Updated Danish translation.
* #1470 Contribution from Niels Baggesen to assist translators.
* #1454, #1455, #1456, #1457, #1458, #1459, #1460 Spanish translations.
* #1469 Updated danish translation.
Xinha 0.96beta2 ¶
Bugs Fixed ¶
* #1376 [IE6 & IE7 Quirksmode] Dialogs are invisible
* #1381 [IE] QuirksMode? dialog background rendered in wrong position when panel is detached
* #1383 [IE7] Secure and Nonsecure Warning
* #1382 [IE] QuirksMode? dialog background falsely non-grey with modal dialogs, grey when dragging modeless dialogs
* #1389 [IE6] selection lost when clicking toolbar button
* #1386 [Safari] Setting default checkbox settings in dialogs does not work
* #1394 fullpage puts metas/ title all on the same line
* #1390 PreserveScripts? shorthand php tags
* #1392 too much recursion when setting HTML in fullPage mode using onGenerate/onGenerateOnce
* #1407 [IE8] window resize causes infinite loop
* #1408 PHP5 IIS file upload problem
* #1374 [IE8] Table insert not work
* #1379 [Firefox] no longer corrupts image data from broken images
* [SmartReplace?] Added French translation
* #1406 [FullScreen?] Added Spanish translation