Forum OpenACS Q&A: resizing (var)char columns in pg

Posted by Jonathan Ellis on
it took me forever to find this, so in hopes it helps someone else, all you need to do is this:
update pg_attribute set atttypmod = desired_length + 4
where attrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = 'mytable')
  and attname = 'mycolumn';
You can use this to make smaller as well as larger -- I wanted usernames to have a shorter max than the default of 100 but doing a reload is quite painful on a 300MB (uncompressed) dump. This did the trick for me; I've since used it to increase the faq answer length as well.
Posted by Don Baccus on
This is great!  Does anyone know how to do this in Oracle?
Posted by Sebastiano Pilla on
Not sure if I understand the issue correctly, but for Oracle 8i have a look at ALTER TABLE mytable MODIFY mycolumn .... There are some restrictions, see Technet for details. For Oracle 9i there is a DBMS_REDEFINITION package that's worth looking into.
Posted by Andrei Popov on
I also suppose that one could define a function like:
create function varchar_resize (
) returns integer as '
  p_table_name      alias for $1;
  p_col_name        alias for $2;
  p_desired_length  alias for $3;
  v_dummy           integer;
  update pg_attribute
  set atttypmod = p_desired_length + 4
  where attrelid = (select oid 
                    from pg_class 
                    where relname = p_table_name)
        and attname = p_col_name;
  return 0;
' language 'plpgsql';