Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Upgrading packages

Posted by Ola Hansson on
APM isn't this smart, but CVS is!

APM is smart when it comes to datamodel changes, though. At least when a proper upgrade script is provided.

These are the steps I take for the moment, when dealing whith the things that you ask about.

  1. checkout a "master copy" of the desired branch of OpenACS from to your hard drive and never edit this code
  2. initialize a local repository on your hard drive
  3. import the above copy to the local repository
  4. checkout one or two or three "working copies" from the local repository (I use two; one with the development server pointed to it and the other with the production server pointing to it)
  5. do your customer-specific changes to the dev copy, and when satisfied with the result, cvs add and/or commit the files.
  6. cd to the production copy and cvs update the files

    Along comes a new version of the bboard package, for instance...

  7. cvs update the "master copy" to incorporate the new bboard code
  8. once again import the (now updated) "master copy" to your existing local repository. This will, in effect, update your repository to the latest standards without destroying your modifications to the code. (cvs might ask you to merge the changes but will tell you how to do it! You might also have to resolve any possible clashes.)
  9. update the development copy and, when you're happy with the result, the production copy.

Now, if you go to the package manager and click on the "Install packages" link you should find a link promting you to upgrade the package in question. IF any data model changes was made to it, that is.

This is just the way *I* do things which is not to say it's the best apporach...but I hope it helps. Hopefully someone else will chime in and correct me where I'm wrong.

Posted by Kevin Murphy on

Right on.  I have never used CVS before, but your (very old) message inspired me to start.  CVS is kind of mysterious and annoying-looking to the uninitiated, but it turns out that it doesn't take long to learn the basics.

For the benefit of other CVS novices, I was able to undertand most of the OpenACS references to CVS after a couple hours of reading the following:
2) man cvs
3) Snippets from

In the process of translating Ola's e-mail into actual cvs commands, I documented what I was doing, and I came up with the following, which is almost, but not quite, a runnable script (it assumes the existence of a user nsadmin and group web, for instance).

-Kevin Murphy

# First off, CVS can be used several ways in the context of OpenACS.

# 1) Obtaining OpenACS in a one-time shot.  If this is all you use cvs for,
# you might as well just download the tarball.

# 2) #1 plus a convenient way of applying openacs updates to your local
# copy.  If you use it for this, it's probably worth it.
# The main reason why this is superior to downloading another
# tarball and untarring it on top of your site is that ... you'd
# be crazy to do the latter, especially if you had modified any
# openacs core or package files.  cvs lets you do _merges_ that you
# control (but don't do this directly on a live site!)

# 3) #1 plus #2 plus a way of backing up and maintaining your local
# site files and any changes you might make to the core openacs files.
# Now we're talking.

# 4) All the above plus a way of maintaining both a "development" and
# "production" version of your local site while retaining the ability
# to merge in updates of OpenACS.  Feel the excitement!

# 5) Someday ... be an OpenACS developer with commit rights on the
# OpenACS repository.  For this, using cvs is a requirement!  In the
# meantime, report any bugs and your fixes to


# The rest of this pseudo-script has the peculiar feature that comments FOLLOW the command.


export MY_PROJ=med

# Create an environment variable to hold your base web site/project
# name.  This will be used later in the script.

su nsadmin

# The user who owns and runs aolserver

cd /tmp

# or wherever

cvs -z3 -d co -r oacs-4-6 acs-core

# Checkout the openacs core into /tmp/openacs-4
# -z3 means use compression level 3
# -d specifies the repository location
# co is a synonym for checkout
# -r oacs-4-6 is a version (release) tag
# acs-core is the name of the cvs module/project you want to checkout

cvs -d $HOME/cvsroot init

# You may not want to do this in nsadmin's $HOME if it is /usr/local/aolserver.
# If so, temporarily override $HOME in this script.
# Create a local cvs repository in nsadmin's home directory
# -d $HOME/cvsroot specifies the repository location

cd /tmp/openacs-4

cvs -d $HOME/cvsroot import -m "Creating initial local master repository of OpenACS 4.6." openacs-4 nsadmin initial

# Move the openacs-4 distribution into a master copy in your own local
# cvs repository.  This master copy will be a backup of your
# development and production sites and help you manage your site
# development.  As you build your site, your master copy will diverge
# from the original 4.6 distribution, mainly by the addition of your
# own files and changes to configuration files.  If you find bugs in
# the OpenACS code, you can of course make fixes by editing the
# original files.
# *) "-d $HOME/cvsroot" specifies the location of your local
# repository for nsadmin.
# *) import means to recursively check in the contents of the
# current directory.
# *) -m "..." is the log message.
# *) openacs-4 is the name of the module/project to create in the
# repository.
# *) nsadmin is the "vendor tag".
# *) initial is a "release tag" which will allow you to distinguish
# between the initial set of files and a later configuration.

find $HOME/cvsroot/openacs-4 | less

# Verify what you've done

sudo mkdir -p /web
sudo chown nsadmin:web /web
cd /web

# /web is where you want your openacs projects to live.
# They don't actually all have to be in the same place, of course.

cvs -d $HOME/cvsroot checkout openacs-4
mv openacs-4 $MYPROJ-dev

# Check out an initial "development" version from your local
# repository.  I repeat: you are not checking out from but
# from your local master copy.  As you make changes to the dev site,
# you can commit those changes to your local repository.  When you are
# ready to go live, you can update the production site based on the
# changes.

cvs -d $HOME/cvsroot checkout openacs-4
mv openacs-4 $MYPROJ-prod

# Check out an initial "production" version from your local
# repository.  Whenever you are ready to update your production site,
# do an update

export CVSROOT=$HOME/cvsroot
cat >>$HOME/.profile <<EOF
export CVSROOT=$HOME/cvsroot

# Set the CVSROOT environment variable to use the local repository as
# the default.  From now on, you can skip the -d clause in cvs
# commands as long as you are making changes to your local repository
# or site directories.  Whenever you do commands against the openacs
# cvs server, e.g. check for updates, you will have to take care to do
# them in your master repository directory ($HOME/cvsroot/openacs-4)
# and specify the "-d" clause
# to override the CVSROOT environment variable.