Forum OpenACS Q&A: installation of postgres 7.2.1 for oacs 4.5

I am learning to install an OACS 4.5 installation and is wondering
where do I install pgsql?  I have /var/db that i originally wanted to
install pgsql but after some reading, it is recommended that I install
into /usr/local/ instead.  If I do install into /usr/local/, can I
tell pg to use /var/db to store the actual db? or does it have to be
where the program is running from? (/usr/local/)  btw, this is on a
RH7.3 box.


Posted by Jonathan Ellis on
you can symlink the pgdata dir to anywhere you like.  unfortunately there's no "high level" way to do this.
Posted by edwin ho on
so I can't specify pg to store the db file on another location? would it better if I just installed pg into /var/db or just link it like you suggested?
Edwin you can do it with initdb -- just change the -D flag value to whatever directory you wish to have your data.

/usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb  -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
Posted by edwin ho on
Thanks Neophytos,

one more question. Is it better to install programs into /usr/local/(program name) or just install into /usr/local/ ?

Posted by Jonathan Ellis on
oops.  yeah, sorry for the misinformation.  but if you want to move *some* of the data structures (say, the WAL) you have to symlink.