Oh, also, this might be mildly usefull: While your drop tablespace
command seems to be hanging, if you run the query below you should see
that Oracle user SYS is executing this SQL:
delete from fet$ where file#=:1 and block#=:2 and ts#=:3
set linesize 180
p.spid as os_pid
,s.sid ,s.serial#
--,p.username as os_user
,s.username ,s.status
--,p.terminal ,p.program
from v$session s, v$sqltext sql
,v$process p
where sql.address = s.sql_address
and sql.hash_value = s.sql_hash_value
and p.addr = s.paddr
--and p.spid in (4656)
and upper(s.username) = 'SYS'
order by s.username ,s.sid ,s.serial# ,sql.piece ;
And the os_pid
will be the PID that top shows sucking up
your CPU.