Forum OpenACS Q&A: potentially huge savings when doing a LIMIT query

I was performing the following query for one of my pages that really hammered PG:
select b.attacker, b.defender, b.winner, b.n_rounds, as attacker_name, as defender_name,
        to_char(b.date_fought, 'HH:MI AM Mon DD YYYY') as tcl_date,
        pretty_timestamp(date_fought) as pretty_date
from battles b, parties p1, parties p2
where b.attacker =
  and b.defender = and 2913 in (b.attacker, b.defender)
order by b.date_fought desc
limit 70
battles is a table containing 300k rows; before the limit, 13k rows matched the attacker/defender criteria. Both the joins on parties and the pretty_timestamp function call were really making this slow, despite the planner using correct indexes.

the following version solves this by doing the limit on a much less expensive subquery, as follows:

select b.*, pretty_timestamp(date_fought) as pretty_date,
        to_char(date_fought, 'HH:MI AM Mon DD YYYY') as tcl_date, as attacker_name, as defender_name
from (select attacker, defender, winner, n_rounds, date_fought
      from battles
      where 2913 in (attacker, defender)
      order by date_fought desc
      limit 70) as b, parties p1, parties p2
where b.attacker =
  and b.defender =
thought this might be useful to someone.