Dave - thanks for your reply on the other thread. I'd missed that somehow. Default values gets me part of the way there.
I'd be delighted to alpha test when you get to that point. I've got some time this summer while I'm not teaching. I will need to write some templates/applications this summer which I can share, although it seems I'll be doing them with a hacked etp1.0. I wish I could contribute more to 2.0, but I'm definitely a 4.5 newbie, and I don't quite "get" the CR yet.
Right now, what I need most is the ability to take user input as text or an uploaded file, process it, and then shove it into ETP as HTML. (With the ability to turn it BACK into text before the user gets to edit it again... not all users like HTML.) It would be nice to have an attribute defined for procs to modify the content when it is passed between the user and the content repository. I will probably hack etp-edit and get that functionality, but it won't be as clean.