I'm afraid I don't know of a good solution for your mom. I just wanted to inform you guys of a photo application that I have built for my own use that I call Photo Archive. My use-case is that I have thousands of jpgs about 300-500 kbyte in size that I have taken with my Canon Ixus (such as the ones taken at the recent OpenACS social in Amsterdam...I will announce them as soon as they are on the server). I have organized the photos into folders and I wanted to make those photos browsable on the web. Unfortunately my Photo Archive application still lacks important features such as photo meta-data and uploading via the web. I am just about about to add rotation of photos and I have recently added the ability to specify which folders should be viewable by logged in users only and which should be viable by all users. I hope to be able to publish this little app this week in my copious free time...😊