If you are interested in porting, send me an email letting me know which packages you are interested in porting, and what your free time / time scale looks like -- either "I'll get it done in 2 days", "I'll get it done by the end of the week", or "Give me a couple weeks."
The packages in question are:
file-storage, bulk-mail, faq, news, calendar, forums, syllabus
I'm still aiming for the core to be completed by early next week (either Monday or Tuesday depending on whether I get much hacking done over the holiday). At that point, I will distribute the porting based on any emails I get over the weekend.
So for now, there is no detailed porting schedule, as I do not know how many packages I will get help with and how many I will end up doing on my own.
Expect an update Tuesday. Until then, Happy Independence Day 😊