Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to What should be included in OACS 4.6

Posted by Don Baccus on
Regardless of how stable the dotLRN port to PG is, the new portals package really needs to be in our next release.  So I agree with Malte, at minimum that piece should be in.

Regarding Simon's comment ... I look at our 4.6 release as being a pretty modest effort to stablize what exists, hopefully add dotLRN elements (at minimum the core changes needed for dotLRN - one reason we need to move quickly is that dotLRN doesn't work with 4.5), and again hopefully internationalization.

As far as "whiz-bang no one else is doing this" work ... if we could provide internationalized packages translated to a couple of languages that would put us a leg up on any open source web/db toolkit I'm aware of.  I know it would sure attract the attention of many folks in Europe, that point was hammered home at our meeting in Amsterdam (you should've come, Simon, England lost anyway ...)

Let me stress that there's no intention of letting a 4.6 release drift for months, either.  We need to set some firm goals, execute, and roll the sucker out the door and move on.

I think "4.7" will be the release in which we can realistically discuss "whiz-bang" cool stuff.  Of course any one wanting to work on something cool immediately is more than welcome to do so ...

As far as the comment regarding SOAP ... this would be a great little project for someone to work on.  It's modest enough so that such work could be integrated in 4.6 if it happened soon enough.

A side note - ex-ArsDigitan Jeff Davis has been bug-bashing like a fiend the last few days.  That's really great. If anyone else has the time to do so and wants to join in, e-mail me and I'll get folks in touch with each other.