Hi All,
I am mainly a windows guy, but I am willing to give OpenACS a try. I
installed postgre server on my Linux 7.3, and when I tried to install
AOLServer, doing ./bin/nsd -ft ./nsd.tcl -u ... -g ..., using the
nsd.tcl file in your guide, I got the following error:
1) dbdw: failed to load driver 'postgres'
2) dbinit: no such default pool 'main'
3) fatal: modload: failed to load module
So I used the sampleconfig.tcl that came with the aolserver package.
and did ./bin/nsd -ft ./config.tcl -u nsadmin -g nsadmin, and it would
appear that this work, since I was able to go to http://localhost:8080
and see the default page.
But when I then tried to install OpenACS, I got the following error:
installing OpenACS
aolserver >= 3.2 is needed by openacs-3.2.5-2
aolserver-postgresql is needed by openacs-3.2.5-2
When I tried to ignore these depency problems, I got the following
execution of %postscriptlet from openacs-3.2.5-2 failed, exit status
4. Can somebody please shed some light on this? Thanks.
Mike Lam