Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Schedule a procedure to run on 1st of every month in project open.

Hey Jim,

The "bind time" itself acts as a scheduler. Inside the time:proc(just a proc name, which is scheduled by the bind) we need to mention our procedure which need to be scheduled. Madhavi has already mentioned in her first post about calling the time:proc by the

bind time - "00 00 01 * *" time:proc

As you said about the ad_proc, I agree with that. Here the issue is "bind time" thing is not supported in Project Open. So Madhavi is requiring an alternative to that.
As far as Madhavi's issue is concerned, may be the "cronjob" package is the remedy for that. I suggest to try that.



Heya IQBAL...

Just a look at how the wind is presently blowing... I've checked with tcl devs, they say support for tcl-8.4 is hanging by a thread, so you might test p/o with aolserver-4.5.x and tcl-8.5; the tcl folks are saying that there are fewer bugs, more support and an interesting little list feature that's kinda like an iterated shell backquote, turns a list appearing as a single parameter, into each item of the list as a parameter.

I know oct is aware of this, and they made some decisions about future openacses; check with them to see what they decided about tcl.

Before there are too much rumors in this thread:

Concerning the "bind" command floating around in this thread: If you are talking about the "bind" from the tcl/tk manuals, the discussion is pointless, since "bind" is a tk command, not available in tcl only apps (such as aolserver) and not particulary useful for the discussed functionality either. i can't exclude that there is a tcl proc named "bind" provided by ]po[.

Concerning Tcl 8.4 and 8.5: I fail to see any connection to this topic. However the sitation is as follows: The Tcl Core Team wrote more than two years ago: "Routine maintenance of Tcl/Tk 8.4 has now come to an end". So, OCT decided to switch to Tcl 8.5: