Just coming back to this. We ran into 2 problems with it - one, using $value in the id led to problems if the value contained spaces or other non-valid characters;
two, for some reason I never figured out, the new widget messed up ad_form code like the following where you're looping and extending the form with multiple hidden elements:
foreach {operand_pretty operand_id} $operand_el {
if {$operand_id eq ""} {continue}
set operand_id [lindex [split $operand_id ,] 1]
lappend operand_element_ids $operand_id
ad_form -extend -name calc_form -form {
{$operand_id:text(hidden) {html {id $operand_id}} {value 1}}
So here's a new version of the proc which solves both of those problems. It now expects an attribute called "-multivalues" instead of "-values."
ad_proc -public template::widget::hidden {
@param element_reference Reference variable to the form element
@param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag
@return Form HTML for widget
} {
upvar $element_reference element
if { [exists_and_not_null element(multivalues)] } {
set multivalues $element(multivalues)
set output {}
set count 0
foreach itemvalue $multivalues {
set itemvalue [ad_quotehtml $itemvalue]
append output "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"$element(form_id):$element(name):$count\" name=\"$element(name)\" value=\"$itemvalue\">\n"
incr count
return $output
} else {
return [input hidden element $tag_attributes]