Malte, this does not improve the situation, it makes it even somewhat worse, since we would be even more decoupled from the main trunc and its language key improvements. If an installation has only one key per package different, they have to maintain the full set. By simply updating the changed keys, cvs could help to merge improvements from the main trunk. At least in theory, since the language keys are somewhat critical to end users, when they change, a documentation/screen shots etc. have to be updated, users are confused, support mails go up etc. From an end users perspective, the situation is not so unrelated with our TIPing rules :)
It would be certainly neat to have some support to make the differences explicit and helps to feed differences back into CVS. It might help to increase the responsiblity of the installations for the language keys in CVS. I do agree with Rafael that it would be great to find a way that non-techies are able to contribute as well.