Why did you decide for an object interface for CR in the first place and not for acs objects right away?
a few reasons: i wanted to do this with some real-world code that i understand (xowiki), therefore i have a better understanding of CR than of the oacs object model in general (acs_attributes do not seem to be used everywhere, one has to deal with the stored procedures with the __).
I see no problems with the services you are listing. why are you asking?
Concerning template::list::create: as i wrote, the oo templating is a subset (e.g. filters, pagination, bulk-actions are missing), some features are already better supported (sorting). there is a replacement for display templates (see above). Concerning formats: i have to get a better understanding how this differs form having different skins and what it used for, before i have an opinion about it. Most probably, there are other features missing.
concerning ad_form: it is not on my urgent to-do-list. nice would be a state based message redirector, maybe in connection with the SMC, but maybe this is an overkill.
This is just the first attempt for this functionalities, the templating will be certainly extended, the object layer is as well in a very early state and should fit into a picture with a layer on oacs objects. i have done some early work in this area (posted here some time ago), i think that neophytos has continued with this, but i have to get in touch with him about this...