Forum OpenACS Development: Edit the Paginator link in the listbuider

Hi to everyone, i have a question, i want to know if there is a way to can edit the links for the pages on the listbuilder,

I want to do this, because I show a box with the listbuider in with ajax, so i want to replace de link with a javascript function who refresh with ajax the next page of the listbuilder,

some know how can I do this??

Posted by Dave Bauer on
You can make a new list template style.

The list template style default is in acs-templating/resources/lists/table.adp

You can edit this file to change how a list is presented.

Posted by josue ruiz on
Thanks Dave,
Thats a good solution but how I set the new template in the list builder??
Posted by Dave Bauer on
You can specify the template to use per list

<listtemplate name="list" style="template"></listtemplate>

style="template" where template contains either, a filename (without the .adp) under packages/acs-templating/resources/lists or the relative path from the Openacs install root directory.

Posted by josue ruiz on
Thank you Dave.