On a very slightly different angle, perhaps it is appropriate to add a code download feature to the OpenACS.
I am thinking here of what the Affero General Public License does: there is a small link at the bottom of every page of their web service that links to the tarball of the code running the web service. See
http://svcs.affero.net/join.php?lg=1 at the bottom right hand corner.
To make this a default feature of the OACS-- download the most recent tarball of the code running the site (without content) would go a long way to supporting code sharing with a minimum of effort on everyone's part.
It would also do a lot to allow up to release the "vertical releases" discussed many months back (ecommerce, dtolrn, etc).
Of course anyone using the toolkit could turn off this "feature" if they want to keep their code additions and modifications proprietary.