Forum OpenACS Development: problem with postgres sql script

Posted by Paco Nueda on
After a few hacks, I have got a Fedora Core 4 box running with openACS (5.0.3)/ Project-open (3.0).

I had a problem while installing a package (the timesheet management one), with the following current result:
The package is show in the openACS admin section list as INSTALLED, but its sql creation script did not executed (all the other files seems to be right)

I suppose I have 2 ways to fix it (any other idea would be welcome):

1) Run manually postgres sql-create script
2) Uninstall/reinstall package.

The thing is I just don't know how to do any of these. Anyone can help me?

Please keep in mind I just came over openACS world. I toke a look at lots of online docs, and still a little lost.

Thank you in advance.


Posted by Claudio Pasolini on
You can simply enter a psql shell and run the creation script with:

psql dbname -P pager
\i packagename-create.sql

Posted by Paco Nueda on
Thank you, Claudio. It worked.
Are you interested in Project-Open? My plans involve try it for my company and quite surely translation to Spanish.

