Forum OpenACS Development: Response to duplicate queries in .tcl, .xql, -oracle.xql, -postgresql.xql

Something like the following works reasonably well in xemacs (probably it also works in regular emacs):

(defun dcw-find-query ()
  "run grep on selection 
   Uses x-get-selection to get the grep string"
  (interactive "")
  (let* ((file-name 
          (concat (substring (buffer-file-name) 0 
                             (string-match ".tcl$" 
                                           (buffer-file-name))) "*.xql")))
    (grep (concat "grep -n "" (x-get-selection) "" " file-name))))

Then bind this function to a function key. To use just highlight the query name in the .tcl file and hit the function key.