I have now had a chance to play with the {{yui-carousel}} and I can see what a lovely, clean and elegant solution this makes for simple slideshows.
I originally thought that the carousel picked up images that were children of the xowiki::page but I now see that it makes a slideshow of all images in the xowiki instance. I can see therefore that if you want multiple galleries, you would simply create an xowiki instance for each gallery to organise your images.
I have never tried, so I don't know, but I assume that a single ACS Category tree can be mapped to more than one xowiki instance so that any navigation system could be preserved between instances?
Nevertheless, I the functionality I'd like more closely resembles the YUI demo with the AJAX updated strip of thumbnails with larger image below.
I think I will work on integrating this with OpenACS photo-album package so that the thumbnail and intermediate image sized image pages are effectively combined through AJAX. I think that the viewer you have put in the yui-carousel will make a lovely solution for the photo-album full-sized slideshow, perhaps with deferred image loading to smooth things along, so I will add that as well.
What I'd love to do after that is to work on a way of enabling this to be included in an xowiki page using an includelet.
If I code so that the navigation is handled through AJAX calls after the page is loaded, then the navigation issue would be eased. I would however probably need to be able to pass a value through to my includelet that had been passed url-encoded to the xowiki page. Can this be done?
In the case of ADP (notionally using @notation@):
{{adp photo-album {album @album_id@} }}
In the case of xowiki includelet:
{{photo-album -album @album_id@ -mode @mode@ }}
Links created by the includelet could be of the form:
Is this feasible or totally nuts!? 😊