Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Proposed corrections to OpenACS default nsopenssl configuration


On my distribution I do have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in order to compile postgres (plus a few other nasty obscure little steps!). However, I run each Aolserver as a different user for each site for security reasons.

This would require that I set the two env vars for every username running nsd on the system instead of just for user postgres. Not a big ask, but extra configuration nonetheless.

On my setup I simply duplicate the config file and adjust the service specific details.

There is also the possibility that someone new to this would struggle with the environment variables whilst being able to fill in the gaps in the config.tcl.

I don't feel strongly either way, I am just feeding back the things I found as I updated by own config.tcl to match the latest default.

Certainly, anything we can do to remove obstacles to people getting it all running can only be good.

Thanks for the replies.
