Difference between -i and -f is that -f writes server log to standard output and -i writes server log directly to file. Both don't put aolserver in the background. I use -f with daemontools in order to manage server log with multilog.
When I had used aolserver-3.2ad8 with oracle on RedHat 6.2 it restarted with no problems on single CPU server and there where problems on dual CPU server. On dual CPU before starting new server I have to wait 4 seconds (sleep 4) for Linux to free socket of killed servers. I remember that I have to do kill -SIGTERM and than kill -SIGKILL. Those days I used init to control nsd processes and quite often I have to kill extra init processes or even to reboot the system because init stop responding to signals. I also remember that when using init you have to redirect stdout & stderr to file or you run into problems with init - it stops responding.
Now I mostly use RedHat 7.2 and aolserver-3.4 with postgres under daemontools. I noticed that somtimes I have to give svc -t twice: first time it terminates connections and the second time it terminates the server. Anyway you can allways run svc -k.
Maybe my expirences will be somehow helpfull.