I'm seeing this error from notifications:
[09/Nov/2010:00:23:18][20888.1097001280][-sched:21-] Error: Transaction aborted: wrong # args: should be "md5::md5 msg"
wrong # args: should be "md5::md5 msg"
while executing
"md5::md5 -hex $string"
Google tells me this is because I need to "package require md5 1.0"; however this is already happening in acs-tcl/tcl/mime-procs.tcl (remember, it's an old version of OpenACS - a heavily hacked (not by me) copy of 5.0.0).
I installed the latest tcllib, which is 1.12, and can't seem to find anything so far that tells me if it still contains both 1.0 and 2.0. Presumably the previous installation had a much older version of tcllib.
Has anyone run across this and already figured it out? Or do I need to try to downgrade tcllib?