<h2>Announcement - University of Mannheim Grants 2005
</h2>I am happy to announce the approval of 4 proposals as part of the Mannheim Grants 2005. I would like to thank all those who sent in their proposals. What
The projects that will be funded are as follows:
- Oleg Bartunov/Teodor Sigaev: Extension of the tsearch2 module for PostgreSQL
- varioNetWorks: Improvement of the user interaction design of .LRN
- KnowledgeMarkets Consulting: Provision of three i18nized, productively used packages: Homework assignemts, Problem-based-Learning and Gradebook
- Nicholas Carrol: Development of Curriculum Central
All projects are expected to be finished until end of March. We hope that the resulting work will improve the user experience and quality of OpenACS and .LRN
I wish all members of this community Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year