I agree, your method of organising the CSS is an excellent strategy for avoiding and identifying confusing CSS conflicts.
However, the kind of incompatibilities that I am referring to would not be addressed by this method. As examples here are a few:
1) Alpha channel transparency not supported prior to IE7.
2) No child selector in < IE7
3) Block element width calculations non-standard in IE6
4) Fixed positioning not supported in IE6
5) Background image anomalies in IE6
6) Max-width and Max-height not supported in IE6
7) Box model auto-expansion in IE6 (non-standard)
8) The consequences of the IE only hasLayout property being false (see:
9) The 'Float' bugs
etc., more details here:
The script I am proposing adding optional support for " a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6."
So this would completely abstract the problem so that *most* standards compliant code served from an OpenACS would then 'just work' in early versions of IE.
In fact the latest version of this library I think actually confers some CSS3 capability into IE that it otherwise would not have.
It just seems like a good idea to provide access to this abstraction layer to enhance backwards compatibility of all standards compliant content delivered from OpenACS including that delivered by xowiki and all other packages.