Forum OpenACS Development: Re: XoWiki

42: Re: XoWiki (response to 1)
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Since you have no page instance in your list, my guess is that the error does not occur during edit, but in an page create, when you press "add ...".

The error message indicates that the automatically created view does still not have the extra attributes (page template).

from psql, you should see:

# \d xowiki_page_instancei
            View "public.xowiki_page_instancei"
       Column        |           Type           | Modifiers
 object_id           | integer                  |
 object_type         | character varying(100)   |
 object_title        | character varying(1000)  |
 object_package_id   | integer                  |
 context_id          | integer                  |
 security_inherit_p  | boolean                  |
 creation_user       | integer                  |
 creation_date       | timestamp with time zone |
 creation_ip         | character varying(50)    |
 last_modified       | timestamp with time zone |
 modifying_user      | integer                  |
 modifying_ip        | character varying(50)    |
 tree_sortkey        | bit varying              |
 max_child_sortkey   | bit varying              |
 revision_id         | integer                  |
 title               | character varying(1000)  |
 item_id             | integer                  |
 data                | text                     |
 text                | text                     |
 description         | text                     |
 publish_date        | timestamp with time zone |
 mime_type           | character varying(200)   |
 nls_language        | character varying(50)    |
 page_instance_id    | integer                  |
 page_template       | text                     |
 instance_attributes | text                     |
 page_id             | integer                  |

so, i guess there is something left in the database from your last attemtpts from earlier versions. I would try to get rid of the definitions of the page instance.

try xowiki/admin and drop the type + table from there. if you don't see this type, you might try "::xowiki::PageInstance drop_object_type" from the ds/shell.

if this does not work either, drop the page_instance* tables manually and delete the object type: delete from acs_object_types where object_type like '%PageInstance%';

when you restart your server, xowiki will recreate the tables/views on the fly.

btw, the page template on your site does not contain @-variables, so the page instance will look exactly like the template. look into the html documentation for examples.

Ps: i cant recreate the problem on your site, since one needs an account for adding items.

help this helps