Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: how to use AOLServer and Apache on same machine at different ports

Hi James,

So I thought may be OpenACS installs AOLServer so Aolserver might be listening on port 80 I check

That's exactly what happens, and that's why the default openacs install listens on port 8000, to avoid conflict with the default aolserver listening on port 80.

You can easily disable aolserver's default instance putting RUN_DAEMON=no in /etc/default/aolserver4 file.

Cheers, Héctor

Thanks for helping out Hector.
That is is some useful information.I was able to get back apache running also.

Before I made changes as you mentioned
Here are the entries of /etc/default/aolserver4 file

# These variables can be customized to change main AOLserver settings.
# More changes can be done by modifying the /etc/aolserver4/aolserver4.tcl Tcl script.
# Note that these variables are read and interpreted by the Tcl script
# too, so avoid using shell capabilities in setting vars.


Which after your suggestion I changed to
RUN_DAEMON=no and then restarted aolserver and started Apache2

/etc/init.d/aolserver4 restart
/etc/init.d/apache2 start

Now I am able to use both AOLserver and Apache2 at the same machine.