nschartdir and nsgdchart work just fine with AOLserver.
I've recently started on trying to better integrate nsgdchart with my AOLserver module, nsgd (*). Integration would allow one to use charting with arbitrary drawing on a single image (which would at least be useful to me).
As an aside I'll mention that I'm almost done with re-doing the API for nsgd. As the module currently stands it provides access to a good 90+ percent of the funcationality in gd 2.0.33, so it's worth taking a look at now (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=3152). The reorg of the API will IMNSHO make using the package much more logical.
If you have any thoughts on what you'd like to see in an nsgd/nsgdchar integration, or any related issues, let me know.
(*) Paraphrasing the nsgd TODO: I suppose you could say they are integrated now. You can write an image file with nsgdchart and then read it back in using nsgd...but I'd like something a little more flexible.