I did almost exactly the same thing a while back using ImageMagick. Here's my code if it's any use to you.
ad_proc -public pdf::concat_files {
} {
Makes an operating system call to ImageMagick to concatenate a list of PDF documents.
ImageMagick is a good choice here as it runs on both Windows and Unix.
For a Unix-only implementation, I would have used PDFJam/PDFjoin or PDFsam.
@author Brian Fenton Oct 2009
@param input_file_list - a list of input files (full path names)
@param output_file - full path name of the output file
@return 1 if all ok, 0 if we have a problem
} {
set return_val 1
#if only 1 input file passed in then skip the concatenation
if { [llength $input_file_list] > 1 } {
#get location of ImageMagick executable
set convert_path [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key acs-workflow -parameter imagemagick_convert_path]
if {$convert_path ne ""} {
#set exec_call " $convert_path "
set exec_call [list $convert_path ]
foreach infile $input_file_list {
#check input file is good - exists, permissions etc
if {![file exists $infile]} {
set return_val 0
ns_log Error "pdf::concat_files had an error reading file: $infile not found"
if {![file readable $infile]} {
set return_val 0
ns_log Error "pdf::concat_files had an error reading file: $infile permission denied"
lappend exec_call "$infile"
} ;# end foreach
if {$return_val} {
#make the call and catch any errors
#the ImageMagick generated PDFs are huge, so let's try some compression
set caught [catch {eval exec -keepnewline $exec_call "-compress Zip" {$output_file}} result]
if { $caught } {
set return_val 0
ns_log Error "pdf::concat_files had an error calling $exec_call. The error was $result"
} else {
#check did the concatenated file get created
if {![file exists $output_file]} {
set return_val 0
ns_log Error "pdf::concat_files failed to create $output_file"
} else {
set return_val 0
ns_log Error "pdf::concat_files had an error: ImageMagick not found at $convert_path."
} else {
#only 1 input file was passed in, so just do a file copy
file copy -force [lindex $input_file_list 0] $output_file
return $return_val