If anyone has seen the thread on porting OpenACS to MS SQL
link] they will know that I am trying to continue on from John Sequeira's work.
I am currently attempting to use Microsoft's "SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle" to convert the Oracle code to MS SQL.
This particular tool does not appear to have a function for reading SQL from files, but prefers to connect directly to databases. I have an MS SQL database to connect to but not an Oracle one.
I have tried installing Oracle 10g express on my system but got into all sorts of messes. Rather than waste time trying to figure out how to get this working and installing the OpenACS SQL on it I was hoping that some one might be able to allow limited access rights to their system (I have a fixed IP address that can be used to add extra security to the account). Preferrably one running the latest stable version.
I would of course make any resulting code accessible to this community.