Hi, we have added the version 1.6 in the condition and now is working well.
if( java_version.startsWith("1.6") || java_version.startsWith("1.4") || java_version.startsWith("1.3") || java_version.startsWith("1.2") || java_version.startsWith("1.1")
System.out.println("COOKIES JAVA VERSION IS "+java_version);
con.setRequestProperty("Cookie", sessionid);
System.out.println("IL COOKIE SETTATO PER LA SESSIONE e'"+ con.getRequestProperty("Cookie"));
} else {
System.out.println("NOT SETTING SESSION COOKIES : JAVAWS should do it automatically");
//remove the cookieHandler installed by JavaWebStart (but this compiles with java 5 ?)
//CookieHandler cookieHandler = java.net.CookieHandler.getDefault();
//if (cookieHandler != null) {
// CookieHandler.setDefault(null);