Forum .LRN Q&A: PhD scholarships available - eLearning

I did not mark this as off topic because the project will probably use dotLRN.

We have two scholarships for qualifying students,one based in Faculty of Education, the other in Engineering.
I am hoping that people from this community will be interested. Please note that if you are not Australian resident, the scholarship will not be enough as it does not cover fees.

1) Australian Postgraduate Award in Web Engineering and Text Mining

A full time postgraduate scholarship is funded by an ARC Discovery-Projects grant and will provide support for 3 years on a full-time basis for a research project leading to a PhD in Engineering. The applicant should have a 1st class Honours or a 2nd class First Division Honours degree. The project is to apply textual data mining techniques to eLearning applications focusing on the development of new machine learning algorithms, software architectures and their impact on the engineering of systems that improve the learning experience of students. Applicants should have an interest in, and demonstrated experience with, web engineering and data mining. Proven skills in programming Java and evidence of a background in statistics and algebra are required. A willingness and ability to work together with an international open source community and to communicate effectively with non-technical software users is also essential. Web development experience is highly desirable. The scholarship is valued at $24,650 per annum (APA award, tax exempt) and may be renewed for up to three years, subject to satisfactory progress. An additional award of $6,000 is normally offered by the department to qualified students. Further information can be obtained from Dr. Rafael Calvo (Ph. 9351 8171, School of electrical and information Engineering, Bldg J13, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006. Applications should be sent to Dr. Calvo and should include curriculum vitae, proof of citizenship or permanent residency, copy of academic transcript, and contact details of at least two referees. Note that international students can apply but the stipend does not cover any tuition fees payable by international students, and other sources of money would have to be sought.

2) Australian Postgraduate Award in Computer-supported Academic Writing

A full time postgraduate scholarship is funded by an ARC Discovery-Projects grant and will provide support for 3 years on a full-time basis for a research project leading to a PhD in Education. The applicant should have a 1st class Honours or a 2nd class First Division Honours degree or a Masters degree in a relevant area. The aim of the project is to develop and test a computer-enhanced approach for supporting students and teachers in the learning and teaching of academic English writing, focussing on two critical issues, feedback and collaboration. The software development is done in cooperation with researchers in web-engineering. The learning research thread focuses on conducting a number of studies on the influence of computer-generated feedback on students’ writing skills and on the influence of collaboration on the quality of writing.
The student will need to have knowledge and experience in empirical data collectipm. statistical analysis, and carrying out detailed linguistic analysis of texts. The PhD work, independent of but related to the project, will focus on a detailed analysis of the collaboration among learners and the effects of collaboration on the quality of students’ compositions. The scholarship is valued at $24,650 per annum (APA award, tax exempt) and may be renewed for up to three years, subject to satisfactory progress. Further information can be obtained from Prof. Peter Reimann (Ph. 9351 6365, homepage Bldg A35, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006. Applications should be sent to Prof. Reimann and should include curriculum vitae, proof of citizenship or permanent residency, copy of academic transcript, and contact details of at least two referees. Note that international students can apply but the stipend does not cover any tuition fees payable by international students, and other sources of money would have to be sought.

Posted by Rafael Calvo on
If anywone with permission to edit my posting can remove the email addresses, it would be great! I'm sick of spam


Posted by Carl Robert Blesius on
Posted by Rafael Calvo on
I have just learned of the possibility of another scholarship for non-Australian students.
If you are interested in studying in Australia and have a very good background, please contact me
