Here is a log of a bunch of errors b/c I don't have postgresql running:
[02/Feb/2006:12:42:06][9290.3084195520][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/'
[02/Feb/2006:12:42:06][9290.3084195520][-main-] Notice: modload: loading '/usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/'
[02/Feb/2006:12:42:06][9290.3084195520][-main-] Notice: PostgreSQL loaded.
Make sure nsdb and nspostgres are loaded. If they are...
[02/Feb/2006:12:42:07][9290.3084195520][-main-] Notice: Database API: Default database (dbn) is: 'default'
[02/Feb/2006:12:42:07][9290.3084195520][-main-] Notice: Database API: Using ALL database pools for OpenACS.
[02/Feb/2006:12:42:07][9290.3084195520][-main-] Notice: Database API: The following pools are available for OpenACS: poo
l2 pool3 pool1
[02/Feb/2006:12:42:07][9290.3084195520][-main-] Notice: dbdrv: opening database 'postgres:localhost::openacs-5-2'
[02/Feb/2006:12:42:07][9290.3084195520][-main-] Notice: Opening openacs-5-2 on localhost
[02/Feb/2006:12:42:07][9290.3084195520][-main-] Error: Ns_PgOpenDb(postgres): Could not connect to localhost::openacs-5
-2: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
[02/Feb/2006:12:42:07][9290.3084195520][-main-] Error: dbdrv: failed to open database 'postgres:localhost::openacs-5-2'
Notice the chain of events that occurs when it tries to setup the database.
You should see something very close to this " Notice: dbdrv: opening database 'postgres:localhost::openacs-5-2'" in your log.