yes, one can pass parameters to includelet arguments, but only when no actual arguments are provided in the includelet specification. For example, consider a page containing two includelets:
{{recent -max_entries 5}}
The first includelet hat no actual arguments provided, the second one
-max_entries 5
. If one calls this page (the page with the two includelets) with a query-parameter
then the value of 2 value is honored by the first includelet, but not by the second (idea: the hard-coded value in the page takes precedence over the query-parameter, which can be altered by the user.
Alternatively, one can as well provide a form-based interface to configure the includelets: Define a form with the content
{{recent -max_entries @nrEntries@}}
and the form constraints
When an instance of this form (a form page) is created, one can edit the value of nrEntries via the form. This value is passed as an argument of the includelet.
One can certainly define as well other interactions, such as a pull down menu with predefined values, etc. by changing the form constraints.
-gustaf neumann