Hi, thank you for your message.
On the webserver (openSUSE 11.2, 32 bits):
- AOLserver 4.5.1
- TCL 8.5.12
- Oracle Client (32 bits)
On the oracle server (SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2, 64 bits):
- Oracle Server
I install AOLserver, TCL and nsoracle acconding the install instructions on openACS website, execpt that I don't used the sources on Git repository: I have downloaded the source from sf.net (http://sourceforge.net/projects/aolserver/files/), and compiled on my server according the instructions on openACS site.
Everytinhg happens very successfuly, except when I try to run the tests files on nsoracle source. The clob test failed.
Please note that some TCL procs on these nsoracle source files was missing, so I search the documentation on openACS site and just edit the files to include the procs. For example: the test files use the ReturnHeaders proc. I search on openACS site (and sources files) and included this on the test files:
proc util_WriteWithExtraOutputHeaders {headers_so_far {first_part_of_page ""}} {
set set_headers_i 0
set set_headers_limit [ns_set size [ns_conn outputheaders]]
while {$set_headers_i < $set_headers_limit} {
append headers_so_far "[ns_set key [ns_conn outputheaders] $set_headers_i]: [ns_set value [ns_conn outputheaders] $set_headers_i]\n"
incr set_headers_i
append entire_string_to_write $headers_so_far "\n" $first_part_of_page
ns_write $entire_string_to_write
proc ReturnHeaders {{content_type text/html}} {
set all_the_headers "HTTP/1.0 200 OK
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: $content_type\n"
util_WriteWithExtraOutputHeaders $all_the_headers
When I include the missing procs, all test files could be run and all, but the clob-test.tcl, run whiout error.