I'm trying to define a security infrastructure for a package...
ok, so there are two sides, user and admin (and a handfui of object types for each)
on the user side:
- an account object (acct) which ties a user to an account
- a certificate object (purchase_cert) which specifies a timeframe which was purchased,
ties to a specific account and to some kind of object which is supposed to represent
the monitary transaction resulting in granting the time frame to the account
- a sequence object (exec_seq) (for keeping track of which item the user is on right now)
- items (exec_seq_item) for that sequence...
also on the user side (in settings) there are...
- "devices" (device) (each related to an account)
- attribute sequences (device_attrib_seq) for devices
- items (device_attrib_seq_item) for attribute sequences
that's everything on the user side... I want to see what you think of this as an initial cut on the context tree:
user preferences chain:
- device_attrib_seq_item objects context id to the device_attrib_seq,
- device_attrib_seq context id to device,
- device context id to acct
then the normal operation chain,
- exec_seq_item context id to exec_seq,
- exec_seq context id to the acct,
- and purchase_cert context id to the acct