Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS Xinha File Selector Broken in IE9

The file selector works in compatibility mode, but fails in standards compliant IE9 mode.

It works in Firefox and earlier versions of IE.

The errors are:

SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'Xinha': object is null or undefined
popup.js, line 14 character 3

SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property '_editor_skin': object is null or undefined
popup.js, line 49 character 3

Posted by Richard Hamilton on
As requested, I have downloaded the latest nightly build of Xinha, and can confirm the following:

1) The fix I posted is in the nightly build.

2) The popup.js errors shown above are not fixed and the OpenACS File Selector is therefore still broken.

3) Xinha builds a widget in IOS, however it is not possible to give the editor focus and obtain a cursor (which makes it pretty useless really!).
