Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: compiling nspostgres

17: Re: compiling nspostgres (response to 1)
Posted by Jim Lynch on

I added to the build system in aolserver nspostgres...

I added POSTGRESQL = SEPARATELY PGLIB = /some/path/lib PGINC = /some/where/include

And, POSTGRESQL = PG_CONFIG (in which case pg_config is the first one found in the $PATH)

And, POSTGRESQL = PG_CONFIG PG_CONFIG = /usr/some/where/bin/pg_config (so you can select which of many postgreses you want)

Read the Makefile, read the README... and finally, I ask a favor:

If you are having any problems compiling nspostgres with my buildtime extensions and you have not altered files, I'd be interested in seeing what your issue is so I can try to correct it.



18: Re: compiling nspostgres (response to 17)
Posted by Jim Lynch on
Hmm, let me correct some things...

Note additions to build system (made in 2007):

- make POSTGRES=PG_CONFIG PG_CONFIG=/path/to/pg_config

NOTE NOTE NOTE!! As of aolserver-4.5.x, the variable INST is used for a different purpose than it used to be, so DO NOT set it to the installation dir!!

Finally, here is an example make command that is used to build a real nspostgres against a debian-installed postgres for an aolserver-4.5.1:

make ACS=1 AOLSERVER=/home/someuser/inst/ POSTGRES=PG_CONFIG PG_CONFIG=/usr/lib/postgresql/8.1/bin/pg_config install


someuser is the user that aolserver runs as and compiled as,

/home/someuser/inst is where tcl, aolserver, nspostgres, xotcl, tdom and a few other things are (i.e., their prefix)

and finally

/usr/lib/postgresql/8.1/bin/pg_config is where to find debian's packaging of postgres-8.1.