Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: OpenACS 5.5.0 install Debian 6 64bits - When trying to install OpenACS I get "Not Found"

Also depending on your reasons to use openacs-5.5, you may wish to consider using openacs-5.7.
I have no reason to install open 5.5.0, and I can move to 5.7. I was just following the instructions on the web page. I will give it a try.

If you have any other suggestion, please share with me. I know I'm close... but not quite there yet.


5.7 gave me the same error... I'm pretty sure that I'm missing the openacs web pages that are inccluded to install the application.

But I followed the install guide with no deviations... I even tried doint it a couple of times, with different distros, I always get to the same Not Found.

I'm wondering if this is the problem:

config.tls shows:

set server "pabloacs"
set serverroot "/var/www/${server}"
set pageroot ${serverroot}/www

Then all the pages should be stores on /var/www/pabloacs/www right? But there is nothing there, just the log folder:

pabloacs@debian:/var/lib/aolserver$ ls -l /var/www/pabloacs/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 pabloacs pabloacs 4096 Dec 9 16:03 log

Should a change the "pageroot" variable?

Point to "/var/lib/aolserver/pabloacs/packages/acs-admin/www/" maybe?