Forum OpenACS Development: wanted to share my run script (for use with daemontools)

This might make it easier to get your server to use daemontools to monitor and restart your openacs service.


Posted by Jim Lynch on

# aolserver4 recommends descriptors limit (FD_SETSIZE) to be set to 1024,
# which is standard for most OS distributions

# setup instructions: set the variables NSHOME to your aolserver prefix,
# set SERVER to the name of your service
# NSD_USER and NSD_GROUP to the user and group you want
# the web server to run as (note, the default setting assumes you have
# a user named the same as the service, and the web server runs as that user)
# SERVERS_PREFIX set to the dir containing all the services
# I happen to like /web, others like /var/lib/aolserver
# SERVER_ROOT to the dir containing your service
# (shouldn't have to change SERVER_ROOT)
# PG_CONFIG to the location of postgres's pg_config executable
# (on debian, this is in one of the -dev packages; if you built pg, you
# should find it in (pg prefix)/bin)
# PGPORT to the port the postgres you want to use is listening to

# For freebsd systems, uncomment following line:
# ulimit -n 1024





export PGPORT=5434

# beyond this point, probably you won't need to change... AND if you do,
# please let me (jiml) know by posting to this thread:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${NSHOME}/lib:$($PG_CONFIG --pkglibdir)

# give time for Postgres to come up
# see
sleep 4

exec \
${NSHOME}/bin/nsd \
-i \
-t ${SERVER_ROOT}/etc/config.tcl \
-u ${NSD_USER} \

# For AOLserver 4 using privileged ports (usually < 1024), add the flag
# -b youraddress:yourport to the nsd command

Posted by Jim Lynch on
This file would replace the one in

Posted by Jim Lynch on
under debian (and likely derivatives thereof), the pg_config you need for this script is in the package postgresql-server-dev-(version); it will be placed in /usr/lib/postgresql/(version)/bin/pg_config.
