Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Error uploading portrait: invalid command name "uni_procs::masquerade_name"

To send email, you need to just make sure sendmail binary is installed and in the path for the openacs user.

CHeck the parameter calld SendmailBin under Acs Mail Lite from /acs-admin/ under Parameters.

Also check if you have a MailHost parameter in the config.tcl file and that it points to a mail server that can forward mail for your openacs server.

If there is an error sending mail from your system there should be something in the error logs that tells you what went wrong.

I have installed QMAIL in my system.I need to send and receive mails from Outlook express.Could you please tell me the steps required or any document regarding configuration for sending bulkmail and to send notification to newly registered users.I've set the mailhost parameter to SMTP.