Forum .LRN Q&A: does nsjabber works with jabberd latest version?


I'm trying to install the jabber module for OpenACS, so i'm following the instructions given in

The required patch for the jabber server seems to be developed for the 1.4.2 server version, but i'm not really sure where to find this release. I have to related questions:

- does this patch works in latest versions of the server?
- if not, where can i download the sources to patch and compile the server?

Thank you


Posted by Ryan Gallimore on

I spent months trying to get Jabber up and running to no avail. Now I'm fighting with the ACS Chat package. Is there anyone out there who has a working OpenACS chat solution? Or working code for the Chat package they can post?


The fact is that i'm trying to test all the chat options in OACS, because we (in the UC3M) want to integrate a chat package with IMS-LD to achieve "syncronous conference" service.

Ryan, have you tested any other chat package? is possible to share conclusions about chats in .LRN?

By the way, ajax package works.


Posted by Ryan Gallimore on
Yes, I just recently got ajax-chat working. That is the only solution (for OpenACS 5.1.4) I've been able to get going and I'm happy with it.

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