Ryan, while skipping through your script, i noticed the following points:
- use tcl 8.4.12 instead of tcl8.4.7
- use tdom 0.8.0 insted of tdom 0.7.8
- use aolserver 4.0.10 instead of 4.0.8
- nsxml and nsoracle are not used
For the configure of tcl, i would recommend to specify prefix and exec-prefix explicitly, such you can be sure that later configuration steps point to the correct tcl instance. Getting a mix of different tcl-versions can be hard to debug. I use most often a tcl installation within the aolserver/naviserver tree, to be sure not to conflict with with with other software distributions. With aolserver, i use for compiling tcl e.g.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/aolserver --enable-threads
and /usr/local/aolserver/tcl8.4.12/unix for --with-tcl for all tcl dependent modules.
btw, you could add a wget+install step for xotcl.