Still some work to be done, you're keeping track of that... great... I've been wondering about pg-9.1 and 9.2 as the 8.x series are getting toward end of life. Thanks for thinking about this and keeping track of what is needed next, etc.
There is a piece of the API browser that displays plpgsql funcs; right now it looks at the metadata from pg and always shows the func's formal parameters as aliased ($1, %2, etc) and I was wondering if there is someone who wants to look at it and/or someone who knows that section of the code... preferably both who want to join as a team to see about displaying the definition header more accurately, which will either require storing its complete text or looking at the metadata for each parameter and displaying it as usefully as possible.
Finally, assume for this question you want to install an openacs that needs pg-9.2. If you build the pg and get it going, what is necessary to configure the backend (in postgresql.conf)? Does it need changing or can it be left the same as the default config file?
Thank you so much to everyone who worked on this! I feel a bit of life has been restored.