Upgraded! It has been quite straightforward thanks to the new scripts.
OpenAcs installer, during database configuration, probably makes use of unavailable syntax for postgresql 8.x, because failed the first time. Could be a configuration-specific problem tough, as I had to mess around with the conf in the past. Anyway, as I was already towards the idea of upgrading to postgres 9.x and to a supported distro, I switched my Debian repos from squeeze to wheezy and upgraded the distribution so I could installe postgres 9.1 .
actually, the new syntax of the postgres files works fine on pg 8.0, but recursive queries need 8.4. So, the first step should be to upgrade older instances (see https://openacs.org/xowiki/Postgres_9). New postgres versions might complain about upgrades containing the old syntax, therefore, one should upgrade with the old pg-version to be on the safe side.
To summarize, two kind of errors might show up:
- old pg version does not accept new SQL (argument passing need 8.0, recursive queries need 8.4)
- new pg version does not accept old SQL (backslash escaping in plain strings)
Note that Debian doesn't install sudo by default, so install-oacs.sh should probably have it into requirements to run smooth on Debian.
sudo is not really needed for the installation, it's convenient later... anyhow, added theses dependencies for Debian and redhat to the script
I then made some tweakings to conform the installation to the 'Debian way' and feel more comfortable:
- moved root of the server to /var/lib/naviserver
- linked config.tcl into /etc/naviserver/conf.d/
keeping the server out of the "standard debian paths" has as well advantages. sooner or later we should have a debian naviserver package, that might conflict with your adapted installation.
- created a sh script to store variables as user, group and port for the instance as was for the repo installation
what is this? ownership + permissions?
- modified configurations so they matched instance name, db etc...
- copied /etc/init.d/aolserver4 to /etc/init.d/naviserver startup script and modified so it starts and stops naviserver properly, one instance for each configuration found in /etc/naviserver/conf.d/
Is there a reason for not using/adapting the provided upstart scripts?
- updated the code of the instance to oacs-5-8 branch by cvs
- created a db for the instance
- pointed browser to the instance and installed as usual
here i am as well confused: for a new installations, this should not be necessary. for an upgrade (keeping old data), the dump/restore is missing.
I can testify that memory consumption DROPPED. After two simultaneous uploads of 400MB each, the system occupies less than 100MB in resident memory, as stated by top, and inflates and shrinks under need. Before it was constantly increasing every time we tried to upload big files.
Since you are using though the script a local version of tcl, I'll send you a patch and short instructions how to use different mallocs...
all the best