Forum OpenACS Development: five months of using naviserver on

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
It is now nearly 5 months since we switched on to NaviServer and pg 9.2. The following year-view shows how nicely and stable runs with the newest snapshot of OpenACS 5.8.0 from cvs (oacs-5-8 branch), which will become OpenACS 5.8.1 in the future.

In Aug. and Sep. we did some more configuration and update work which are visible in the diagram (e.g. concerning the non-core packages used on this site). Since Oct. the response times are very stable, serving about the same load as one year earlier. Average response time of the server is below 50ms, although several fast requests were eliminated (e.g. by setting expiration).

all the best

Posted by Jim Lynch on
Heya Gustaf,

Did you find out what was going on (looking at by-year graph) in the first week of July, where the graph looked like it was peaking?


Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
At least part of the problem was running with OpenACS 5.6 and pg 8.4 for a short time. Since PostgreSQL 8.3 reached EOL in Feb 2013, we did the upgrade to 8.4 in July, hoping that the site is small enough and the machine is fast enough not to face the well known problem with the query optimizer changes in pg 8.4 (see e.g. This bad performance was the final driver to push towards OpenACS 5.8.0 addressing these problems.