This is
Version 2.1 (10th of April 2014) of
Windows-OpenACS port, it contains openssl-1.0.1.g (instead of openssl-0.9.8.k) to fix the Heartbleed Bug and it consists of the following pieces of software:
This port has been generated with
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Professional Edition.
PosgreSQL 8.3.23 binaries have been compiled in 32 bit and PostgreSQL 9.3.1 binaries have been compiled in 64 bit with
Compatible Windows Versions
This port works on the following systems:
Windows 8,
Windows 8.1,
Windows Server 2012 and
Windows Server 2012 R2; it
runs only on
Windows 64 bit.
Most Notably:
- This distribution has neither OpenACS nor .LRN included - users are welcome to download the version they prefer (e.g. OpenACS 5.7.0 for legacy applications to be used with PostgreSQL 8.3.23, or OpenACS 5.8.0 and new applications to be used with PostgreSQL 9.3.1).
- This distribution has no automatic installer - users need to configure their own installations by hand.
- No version of PostgreSQL is preinstalled and configured - users have to download, install and configure the version of PostgreSQL they prefer (the binaries of PostgreSQL 8.3.23 and PostgreSQL 9.3.1 are included for convenience only).
- Spazio IT is offering support on this distribution at these conditions.
How to get it
Windows-OpenACS can be downloaded
Building and compilation instructions are available