Forum OpenACS Development: New HTTP client API

Posted by Antonio Pisano on
Hello everyone,

I want to notify that new HTTP client API has just been committed to 5-8 branch of OpenAcs.

It had been thought as a complete revision of old procs used for that purpose until now, as discussed in this thread:

Old methods, such as util_httppost, ad_httpget and similar had been deprecated, but will of course stay around indefinitely for backward compatibility.

New API is meant to be compatible with with tcl >= 8.5, Aolserver and Naviserver. On Naviserver it will use native http client capabilities, while on Aolserver it will fallback to a curl wrapper implementation.

Every feedback and suggestion will be welcome!

Best regards


2: Re: New HTTP client API (response to 1)
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Thanks a lot for that great contribution!
3: Re: New HTTP client API (response to 2)
Posted by Antonio Pisano on
Thanks to you Gustaf for your many suggestions!