Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Registering does everything, but it does not redirect to a page that says "check your mail for verification link"

(just notes showing where some things are in the code)

This one is about where the verify link email is sent.

The text from the email I used to locate the string in the code, is "This message is to verify that the email address you registered with".

It was found at line 346 of file /packages/acs-subsite/catalog/acs-subsite.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml; the name of the message in that catalog is lt_To_confirm_your_regis.

That message was found in two places, one is the design document for the auth subsystem (line 1250 of file /packages/acs-core-docs/www/xml/kernel/ext-auth-design.xml), and the other is on line 1518 of file /packages/acs-authentication/tcl/authentication-procs.tcl and the full name for the catalog entry is acs-subsite.lt_To_confirm_your_regis .

acs_mail_lite::send_immediately was used in the proc auth::send_email_verification_email to send the verify link email to the user.

There are three mentions of this proc in the file /packages/acs-authentication/tcl/authentication-procs.tcl -- incl the definition starting on line 1502 -- the two uses are line 986 in the proc auth::create_local_account (line 815), and line 1435 in the proc auth::check_local_account_status (line 1400).

I'm guessing the email was sent by auth::create_local_account.

Pausing for now. My next step is probably to read that design document.
