Forum OpenACS Q&A: Q: acs-automated-testing requires set enable_p 1

Hi all,

I'm trying to set up automated testing for a new package: accounts-finance

Does acs-automated-templating require enabled_p set to 1 to work with non-core packages?

If not, any suggests on how to activate /accounts-finance/tests/?

/test/admin doesn't show the package-key among the other packages with tests --even after reloading via APM and restarting server.

error.log doesn't show any log errors and doesn't reference the test/file during package load.

The file permissions and user:group settings are consistent with other files and dirs.

account-finance's app and api works as expected.

I'm using acs-datetime/test/acs-datetime-procs.tcl as a template and have read the testing docs at /doc/acs-automated-testing/

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Not sure, whether this solves your problem, but the right place for the test cases is /accounts-finance/tcl/tests/

The test cases should finally show up in aa_test_final_results


Posted by Benjamin Brink on
Thank you, Gustaf. That fixed the problem.
